God has a Dream #2. Remember the Draft: Here is Someone Greater.
/January 21, 2018
The Rev. Paul V. Stunkel, Pastor
Scripture Readings:
Jonah 3
Mark 1:14-20
January 21, 2018
The Rev. Paul V. Stunkel, Pastor
Scripture Readings:
Jonah 3
Mark 1:14-20
God calls us to worship, not only at church, but especially at church. Join us as we come together in unity and praise.
Sunday services services start at 10:15 am
Communion is served the first Sunday of each month. All are welcome.
Click here to see the full calendar.
Rev. Nate Achterhof
pastor @ stpaulspresbyterian.church
Wanda Seymour, Business Administrator
businessadmin @ stpaulspresbyterian.church
Mark Handford
music @ stpaulspresbyterian.church
Jeff Velis, Tech Advisor
techarts @ stpaulspresbyterian.church
Kathy Potter, Director of Christian Education
christianeducator @ stpaulspresbyterian.church