Reaching Out in Mission And Service - Romans 12: 4 - 5
"For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others."
The community of St. Paul’s use our individual gifts and abilities to gather together for a meal, fellowship, devotion to God and service to others!
We call these gatherings ROMANS 12:4.
Following worship on Sundays ROMANS is taking place, the entire St. Paul’s body with all its members (see the passage above!) is invited to come together for a meal followed by a mission project. We serve in different ways that will either support a current St. Paul’s ministry and/or the community in which we live. These projects will be things that anyone can do! Seniors, singles, couples, youth, children are all invited to participate! In fact, all will be needed to meet the challenges set before us!
February 26, 2023
ROMANS will take place on Sunday, February 26th in the Social Hall following worship! It is coming up quickly! The VanEcks will be preparing our meal. We will be doing a project in house...repairing/replacing our Chrismons (for the sanctuary Christmas tree) & painting our outdoor nativity scene! Plan to be with us!
January 22, 2023
Thank you to all who participated in ROMANS last Sunday! We assembled about 970 condiment/utensil packets for Crossroads Soup Kitchen to accompany the meals they provide each week to the community in need in Detroit. May God bless the many hands that were able to assist & to those who lifted this project up in prayer. Thank you, too, to the VanEcks for providing a delicious lunch! To God be all the glory!
December 11, 2022
ROMANS 12:4 : Cookies for Crossroads Farm
A Big THANK YOU to all who participated in ROMANS 12:4 Cookies for Crossroads Farm event last Sunday!
If you baked, assembled, or prayed…thank you! Our goal of assembling 125 cookie decorating kits as a gift and blessing to the at-risk rural youth served by this ministry was once again surpassed!!! We put together 129 full kits, 16 extra boxes of one dozen cookies each, and even had some other varieties of cookies donated to grace their snack table! I would like to share a conversation I had enroute to the cookie drop off site. Some of you may know Joyce Cieslak, a friend and musician who played the organ & piano for St. Paul’s some years back. Joyce & her husband Ron are key organizers in this Christmas gift ministry & initiated our involvement years ago. Joyce called me on my way with the cookies to ask how we did. When I told her our numbers above, she said, “I believe we have a miracle!” The other group who creates these kits along with us were short some kits & our surplus met the need! Praise God! He worked through two groups, separately, to produce just what was needed! Thank you all for your willingness to serve. Please continue to pray for the ministry of Crossroads Farm, that they will be able to share the Good News of the Gospel, as well as the blessing of yummy cookies, with these young people!
February 27, 2022
Thank you to all who participated in the ROMANS event! We had a delicious meal prepared & generously donated by Bill & Kathy VanEck. We prepared 825 utensil/condiment packets for Crossroads Soup Kitchen!! Keep those served by Crossroads and the staff in your prayers. Our long partnership with Crossroads and commitment to feed our community, physically & spiritually, motivates us to serve in this way!
December 12, 2021
Thanks to all who baked cookies &/or came out to fellowship, sing carols & assemble cookie decorating kits to be gifted to the children at Crossroads Farm ministry to at-risk rural youth in western Michigan! We had a fun and productive afternoon as we created 125 kits for delivery to this ministry.
MAY 16, 2021
On Sunday, May 16 we met downstairs after worship, ate our sack lunches, drank a beverage (all while seated at tables well socially distanced). Our project was to assemble condiment & utensil packets to be used at Crossroads for the meals they distribute. Crossroads has continued to serve their community and the need has only increased as volunteer power has decreased.

March 14, 2021
CEREAL DRIVE for Blessings in a Backpack
Who will feed the kids this weekend? “Because hunger doesn’t take a break on weekends.”

All collections will be going to Blessings in a Backpack: Livonia. Their goal is to provide nutritional meals to children in need on the weekend in the Livonia Public School district.
Please purchase Ready to Eat, Full size boxes of Cereal for donation. Collection Date will be Sunday, March 14th following worship until 1pm at St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church.
Questions? Contact Kathy Potter at or 313-719-8467.
September 27, 2020
Crossroads is in great need of assistance with having enough condiment packets each week. Therefore, we gathered outside the church in Kate M’s backyard on Sunday, September 27th at 1pm to assemble packets.

March 9, 2020
Bird feeders for nursing facilities.
January 19, 2020
Last year, we made necklaces to donate to the Deacons for BINGO prizes. The necklaces were so popular last year that the residents have been clamoring for more! This year, we did it again and provided a creative time of fellowship and service.
December 8, 2019
Our Annual Cookies for Crossroads ROMANS 12:4 packaged over 180 dozen homemade Christmas Cookies and delivered to add some joy to the at‐risk rural youth of western Michigan served by Crossroads! That’s a lot of cookies!!
September 29, 2019
We gathered in the Social Hall for a meal prepared by the VanEcks, Christian fellowship, and our mission of preparing 100 sack lunches to be distributed to the homeless and hungry in Detroit by Janoah House, Inc.
May 5, 2019
We made necklaces to donate as prizes to support our St. Paul’s Board of Deacons BINGO ministry!!
March 3, 2019
Once again we assembled 1000 condiment packets for Crossroads Soup Kitchen.
January 13, 2019
ROMANS 12:4 is happening this Sunday following worship in the Social Hall!
We will be assembling Comfort Kits with the donated items to the Giving Tree from this past Advent/Christmas after a delicious meal prepared by the VanEcks!!
December 9, 2018
Packaging over 200 dozen cookies for Crossroads Farm, a ministry for at-risk rural teens in western Michigan.
October 7, 2018
May 6, 2018
At this ROMANS 12:4 event we made small floral arrangements to take to nursing home residents for encouragement!
March 4, 2018
We packed lunches for the homeless to be distributed throughout the City of Detroit.
January 14, 2018
Following a warm soup lunch, we assembled 1000 condiment packets for Crossroads Soup Kitchen. This was a seated project, and all ages were welcomed.