Called to worship

God calls us to worship, not only at church, but especially at church. Join us as we come together in unity and praise. We strive to be a vibrant and vital witness in our community and endeavor to send worshipers home with a smile of hope and new energy to serve Christ and do God’s work in the world. Find out about the worship experience at St. Paul's Presbyterian.

Throughout the year, particularly during Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter, there are special services. We also have resources to help you understand St. Paul's policies and practices are for Baptisms, Funerals, and Weddings.


All baptized Christians, regardless of denomination, are welcomed at the Lord's Table. Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday on each month and elements (bread and juice) are normally distributed at the front of the sanctuary, but for those unable to come forward, elements will be served to them in their seats . Our elements are always alcohol free, with gluten-free bread available on each tray.

Come As you Are

At St. Paul's Presbyterian the most important thing is worshiping and community, not what you wear. So feel free to come to worship in what you find comfortable to worship God.


"Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture."

— Psalm 100:1-3 New International Version (NIV)

What to expect

Our Sunday worship format is traditional. The hymns we sing are varied in style and origin, including recently composed music and music newly composed. Though we often stand for hymns and responses, but if you aren’t able or comfortable with standing that is okay

We use a projection screen but also have regular and large print bulletins, hymnals and Bibles (New Revised Standard Version) for all to use. We have devices to help the hearing impaired -- just ask an usher as you enter our sanctuary. Our facility is barrier-free, with wheelchair seating in the center and back of the sanctuary.

Children in Worship

Children are welcome in our worship services. We feel they belong there. All children begin worship with their families. They are then invited to come forward for the "Time with the Children", after which they are allowed to got to Sunday School if they want.

On communion Sundays (the first Sunday of each month) all children may participate in Sunday School.  If the children remain in worship with their families for the entire service there are worship bags available in the narthex to enhance the child’s worship experience and contain activities connected to worship. Age appropriate worship bulletins are available on the rack in the narthex. Please return the worship bags after the service. Those children who attended Sunday School will return to the regular church service to receive communion with their families.

May We Suggest

  • Worship bags are available in the back of the sanctuary for children's use.

  • Encourage children to participate in the Time with Children.

  • Children will learn the parts of the service through participation in the service. They may need help finding the pages in the hymnal and Bible. But encourage them to join in the responses, singing of the hymns and bowing their heads in prayer.

  • Always remember that the way we welcome children in the church directly affects the way they respond to church, God, and Christ. Let them know they are at home in this service of praise, thanksgiving and sacrament.